Friday, November 19, 2010

Meetings for rest of Fall Quarter

We will have two more meetings this quarter (Tuesdays at 10 in the lab):

Nov. 23: Grant Goodall will talk about sub-extraction from subjects and fronted wh-phrases.

Nov. 30: Bethany Keffala will talk about resumptive pronouns in English.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fukuda, Michel, Beecher & Goodall (2010) on-line

The presentation by Shin Fukuda, Dan Michel, Henry Beecher and Grant Goodall at last January's LSA ("Comparing Three Methods for Sentence Judgment Experiments") is available at

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall conference season

Here are some of the lab-related projects presented at conferences this fall:

Isolation of Independent Processing Factors in Negative Island Contexts
Simone Gieselman, Robert Kluender, Ivano Caponigro  
NELS 41 at Penn

Subject-verb inversion and verb finiteness are independent in Spanish
Grant Goodall with John Grinstead and Mariana Vega-Mendoza of Ohio State
Boston University Conference on Language Development
and Hispanic Linguistics Symposium at Indiana University

Boyoung Kim
WECOL at CSU Fresno

Simone Gieselman, Robert Kluender, Ivano Caponigro
WECOL at CSU Fresno

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Upcoming talks

Here is what we have on tap for the next several weeks (Tuesdays at 10:00):

Oct. 26: Grant Goodall on work he has been doing with John Grinstead and Mariana Vega-Mendoza on wh-questions in child Spanish.

Nov. 2: Boyoung Kim will do a practice version of her WECOL talk.

Nov. 9: Kate Davidson on using experimental syntax techniques for getting pragmatic judgments.

Nov. 16: Discussion of "The need for quantitative methods in syntax and semantics research" by Edward Gibson & Evelina Fedorenko.

Nov. 23: open

Nov. 30: Bethany Keffala on resumptive pronouns.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Simone Gieselman on negative islands

We will meet on Monday, Oct. 18, at noon to hear a practice version of Simone's upcoming NELS talk on "Isolation of Independent Processing Factors in Negative Island Contexts".

See you then!  And if you'd like to present a practice talk of your own (or just present results of work in progress), let me know.