Thursday, February 21, 2019

Winter '19 lab meetings

Our meetings this quarter will be Mondays 12:30-2:00. 

Jan. 14
Review of Jon Sprouse's presentation at the workshop on "Experimental approaches to cross-linguistic variation in island phenomena" that just occurred this past weekend at the LSA (organized by our own Savi Namboodiripad and Adam Morgan, along with Dave Kush!). The slides are here:

Jan. 28
Review of other presentations from LSA island workshop:

Feb. 4
Continuation of above slides, plus Grant's presentation at the workshop:

Feb. 11
Continuation of Grant's slides (from last meeting) and beginning of discussion of:
Yoshida, M., Potter, D., & Hunter, T. (2018). Condition C reconstruction, clausal ellipsis and island repair. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 1-30.

Feb. 18
Presidents' Day

March 4 (Special time: 12:00)
Duk-Ho will present preliminary results from the experiment that he just completed on backward sprouting.

March 11 (Special time: 12:00)
Preliminary results from Alex (experiment on wh-islands in Spanish) and from Duk-Ho (new experiment with revised stimuli on backward sprouting).

Gustavo gets 3-year post-doc at prestigious research center in Norway!

After finishing his teaching fellowship at Newcastle Univ. in the UK, lab alum Gustavo Guajardo (Ph.D., 2017) has been named a Postdoctoral Fellow in Linguistics at LAVA, the Language Acquisition, Variation, and Attrition research group at the University of Tromsø, and at AcqVA, the Acquisition, Variation, and Attrition research group sponsored by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the University of Tromsø. He will be based in Tromsø and will be working on his own project: Effects of Language Contact and Literacy in Language Variation and Change.


LSA session on cross-linguistic variation in island violations

Lab alum Savi Namboodiripad was one of the organizers of an LSA session in New York on cross-linguistic variation in island violations. Savi was also one of the "datablitz" presenters (on adjunct island violations in Malayalam), and Grant gave a wrap-up presentation at the end of the session ("Predicting the severity of island violations across languages: Some first steps").

Gustavo presents work on Concordantia Temporum in UK and Netherlands

Gustavo Guajardo and Grant Goodall presented two related papers recently:

Gustavo in Utrecht

Dayoung presents at acceptability conference in Barcelona!

Dayoung Kim and Grant Goodall presented a paper on "Acceptability, noise, and degrees of goodness: A case study of extraction" at a special conference on Acceptability Judgments in Current Linguistic Theory:

Image result for acceptability current linguistic theory barcelona

Fall '18 lab meetings

Meetings this quarter are Fridays 1:00 - 2:30.

Oct. 12
Keshev, M. & Meltzer-Asscher, A.  A processing-based account of subliminal wh-island effects. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory (2018).

Oct. 19
Practice talk: Dayoung will be presenting "Acceptability, noise, and degrees of goodness: A case study of extraction" at this conference:

Oct. 26
Stepanov, Arthur, Manca Mušiˇc, and Penka Stateva. 2018. Two (non-) islands in Slovenian: A study in experimental syntax. Linguistics 56(3).

Nov. 2
Continuation of the earlier article, plus: Stepanov, A., & Stateva, P. (2015). Cross-linguistic evidence for memory storage costs in filler-gap dependencies with wh-adjuncts. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1301.

Nov. 9
Shota will present his recent work on the production of wh-dependencies.

Dec. 7
Noam Chomsky Day celebration: Duk-Ho will present the experiment that he is designing on backwards sprouting.

No lab meetings in Spring '18

Grant is on sabbatical in Indonesia for Spring quarter, so lab meetings will resume in Fall 2018.