Saturday, November 10, 2012

More photos from GLOW in Asia IX!

Thanks to the diligent photographers at GLOW in Asia IX (in September at Mie University, Japan), we now have an almost minute-by-minute photo record of Dan Michel and Grant Goodall's presentation on "Finiteness and the nature of island constraints".
Grant Goodall laying the groundwork.
The talk begins!
Grant Goodall explaining a crucial point.
The talk concludes!

Akira Watanabe (Univ. of Tokyo) asks a question.

Mamoru Saito (Nanzan Univ.), Grant's old office-mate from MIT days.
William Snyder (Univ. of Connecticut) asks a question.
Satoshi Tomioka (Univ. of Delaware) asks a question.
Uli Sauerland (ZAS Berlin) asks a question.
Anders Holmberg (Newcastle) asks a question.
Grant Goodall asks a question (at someone else's talk).

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall quarter lab meetings

Lab meetings this quarter are Thursdays, 1:00 - 2:00.  Here is the tentative list of topics (this will be updated as the quarter proceeds):

Week 2   Oct 11
Christensen, Ken,  Kizach, Johannes  Nyvad, Anne (2012). Escape from the Island: Grammaticality and (Reduced) Acceptability of wh-island Violations in Danish. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research.

Week 3   Oct 18

Chung-hye Han et al. (2012). Processing Strategies and Resumptive Pronouns in English.
WCCFL Proceedings 2012.

Week 4   Oct 25

Emily's tutorial on using WebExp and Amazon Mechanical Turk. 
Week 5  Nov 1
Philip Hofmeister, Laura Staum Casasanto, Ivan A. Sag (2012)..How do individual cognitive differences relate to acceptability judgments?: A reply to Sprouse, Wagers, and Phillips.
Language, Volume 88, Number 2, June 2012, pp. 390-400.

Jon Sprouse, Matt Wagers, Colin Phillips (2012). Working-memory capacity and island effects: A reminder of the issues and the facts.Language, Volume 88, Number 2, June 2012, pp. 401-407

Philip Hofmeister, Laura Staum Casasanto, Ivan A. Sag (2012). Misapplying working-memory tests: A reductio ad absurdum. Language, Volume 88, Number 2, June 2012, pp. 408-409

Week 6  Nov 8  
 Jantien Donkers, John C. J. Hoeks & Laurie A. Stowe (2011): D-linking or set-restriction? Processing Which-questions in Dutch. Language and Cognitive Processes 

Week 7  Nov 15
Fun with abstracts!

Week 8  Nov 22

No meeting (Thanksgiving)

Week 9  Nov 29

Emily on frequency and acceptability.

Week 10  Dec 6

Dan's practice LSA talk.


Lab goes to GLOW in Asia IX!

Dan Michel and Grant Goodall's presentation on "Finiteness and the nature of island constraints" was part of the Workshop on Experimental Linguistics at the GLOW in Asia IX conference, held at Mie University, Japan, Sept. 3-6, 2012.
Participants came from all over Asia, Europe and the Americas to hear about finiteness and the nature of island constraints (among other things).
Hajime Ono, Grant's former star student and now Associate Professor at Kinki Univ. in Osaka.
Linguists (in background) undergo ritual purification at conclusion of conference.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Magnitude Estimation! Acquisition! Satiation!

Some lab publications that have appeared recently:

About Magnitude Estimation
Shin Fukuda, Grant Goodall, Dan Michel, and Henry Beecher (2012). Is Magnitude Estimation Worth the Trouble? In Proceedings of the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, edited by Jaehoon Choi, E. Alan Hogue, Jeffrey Punske, Deniz Tat, Jessamyn Schertz, and Alex Trueman, pp. 328-336.

About Second Language Acquisition
Boyoung Kim and Grant Goodall (2011). Age-Related Effects on Constraints on Wh-movement. In Proceedings of the 11th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2011), edited by Julia Herschensohn and Darren Tanner, pp. 54-62.

About satiation
Grant Goodall (2011). Syntactic Satiation and the Inversion Effect in English and Spanish Wh-Questions. Syntax, 14: 29–47.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Quarter lab meetings

Lab meetings this quarter are Tuesdays, 12:30 - 2:00.  Here is the tentative list of topics (this will be updated as the quarter proceeds):

Week 2   Apr 10
Phillips, C. (in press). On the nature of island constraints. I: Language processing and reductionist accounts.

Week 3   Apr 17

Phillips, C. (in press.) On the nature of island effects. II: Language learning and innateness.

Week 4   Apr 24

Omaki, A. & Schulz, B. (2011). Filler-gap dependencies and island constraints in second language processing. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 33, 563-­‐588.

Week 5  May 1

Polinsky, M, Clemens LE, Morgan AM, Xiang M, Heestand D. In Press. Resumption in English.

Week 6  May 8

Sprouse, J., Fukuda, S., Ono, H. and Kluender, R. (2011), Reverse Island Effects and the Backward Search for a Licensor in Multiple Wh-Questions. Syntax, 14: 179–203.

Week 7  May 15

Crawford, J. (2011). Using syntactic satiation to investigate subject islands.  29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 29).

Week 8  May 22

Francom, J. (2009). Experimental Syntax: Exploring the effect of repeated exposure to anomalous syntactic structure.  University of Arizona Ph.D. dissertation. Chapter 3

Week 9  May 29

Grant on a template for web-based acceptability experiments.

Week 10  June 5

Boyoung on islands in Korean-English bilinguals.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dan and Grant's CUNY 2012 presentation

The CUNY 2012 presentation by Dan Michel and Grant Goodall is now available for download:

Photos from CUNY 2012 conference

Dan Michel presenting his poster on similarity-based interference in long-distance dependencies.

The Empire State Building (across the street from the conference venue) at dusk.

Noam Chomsky speaking on "core contested concepts".

Dan Michel, alum Kate Davidson Zaremba, Gabe Doyle, and Rodolfo Mata (not visible, but being spoken to on phone). This is right after back-to-back talks by Noam Chomsky and Colin Phillips, and Gabe's bag appears to be radioactive. Not sure what that means.

Daffodils and non-eucalyptus trees in Central Park.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The lab goes to CUNY!

Two current lab projects will be presented at this year's CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing:
  • Dan Michel and Grant Goodall ▪ Adjunct islands and the finiteness effect [Papers, March 14]
  • Dan Michel ▪ Long-distance dependencies and content-addressable working memory [Poster Session 1]
Check out also the following poster, which Gabe Doyle gave us a preview of at a recent lab meeting:
  • Gabriel Doyle and Roger Levy ▪ Conceptual noise induces structural uncertainty during sentence processing
 Full information on this conference is at .

Friday, January 20, 2012

Winter Quarter lab meetings

Here is the tentative list of presentations/discussion topics for this quarter:

Week    Date    
   2        Jan 18     Simone

   3        Jan 25     Pearl & Sprouse: Syntactic Islands without UG (part 1)

   4        Feb 1       Pearl & Sprouse: Syntactic Islands without UG (part 2)

   5        Feb 8       Gabe

   6        Feb 15      Koizumi, Masatoshi, and Katsuo Tamaoka. 2010. Psycholinguistic evidence for the VP-internal subject position in Japanese. Linguistic Inquiry 41, 663-680.

   7        Feb 22      Rodolfo

   8        Feb 29       Jesse Snedeker & Elizabeth Casserly (2010): Is it all relative? Effects of prosodic boundaries on the comprehension and production of attachment ambiguities, Language and Cognitive Processes, 25:7-9, 1234-1264

   9        Mar 7         Dan and Grant: Practice CUNY talk

   10      Mar 14       No meeting this week (CUNY conference)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dan Michel presents at LSA

Dan Michel is one of many UCSD students, faculty and alums presenting at this year's Linguistic Society of America meeting in Portland. His paper, based on ongoing research of his in the lab, is entitled "Content-addressable working memory and the grammar-processing island debate."

Fall conference presentations

Here are some of our presentations on experimental syntax topics from the past few months:

Grant Goodall:  "¿Para qué sirve la sintaxis experimental?"  Universidad de Costa Rica, Programa de Posgrado en Lingüistica, Nov. 2, 2011.

Boyoung Kim: "Processing Relative Clauses in Heritage Korean." Boston University Conference on Language Development, Nov. 4-6, 2011.

Dan Michel: "Individual differences inform the syntax-processing island debate."  Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain, Nov. 16-18, 2011.

Dan Michel and Grant Goodall: "Finiteness effects in adjunct islands." Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain, Nov. 16-18, 2011.