Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Quarter lab meetings

Lab meetings this quarter are Tuesdays, 12:30 - 2:00.  Here is the tentative list of topics (this will be updated as the quarter proceeds):

Week 2   Apr 10
Phillips, C. (in press). On the nature of island constraints. I: Language processing and reductionist accounts.

Week 3   Apr 17

Phillips, C. (in press.) On the nature of island effects. II: Language learning and innateness.

Week 4   Apr 24

Omaki, A. & Schulz, B. (2011). Filler-gap dependencies and island constraints in second language processing. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 33, 563-­‐588.

Week 5  May 1

Polinsky, M, Clemens LE, Morgan AM, Xiang M, Heestand D. In Press. Resumption in English.

Week 6  May 8

Sprouse, J., Fukuda, S., Ono, H. and Kluender, R. (2011), Reverse Island Effects and the Backward Search for a Licensor in Multiple Wh-Questions. Syntax, 14: 179–203.

Week 7  May 15

Crawford, J. (2011). Using syntactic satiation to investigate subject islands.  29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 29).

Week 8  May 22

Francom, J. (2009). Experimental Syntax: Exploring the effect of repeated exposure to anomalous syntactic structure.  University of Arizona Ph.D. dissertation. Chapter 3

Week 9  May 29

Grant on a template for web-based acceptability experiments.

Week 10  June 5

Boyoung on islands in Korean-English bilinguals.