meetings this quarter are Thursdays, 1:00 - 2:00. Here is the
tentative list of topics (this will be updated as the quarter proceeds):
Week 2 Oct 11
Christensen, Ken, Kizach, Johannes
Nyvad, Anne (2012). Escape from the Island: Grammaticality and (Reduced) Acceptability of wh-island Violations in Danish. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research.
Week 3 Oct 18
Chung-hye Han et al. (2012). Processing Strategies and Resumptive Pronouns in English.
WCCFL Proceedings 2012.
Week 4 Oct 25
Emily's tutorial on using WebExp and Amazon Mechanical Turk.
Week 5 Nov 1
Philip Hofmeister, Laura Staum Casasanto, Ivan A. Sag (2012)..How do individual cognitive differences relate to acceptability judgments?: A reply to Sprouse, Wagers, and Phillips.
Language, Volume 88, Number 2, June 2012, pp. 390-400.
Jon Sprouse, Matt Wagers, Colin Phillips (2012). Working-memory capacity and island effects: A reminder of the issues and the facts.Language, Volume 88, Number 2, June 2012, pp. 401-407
Week 6 Nov 8
Jantien Donkers, John C. J. Hoeks & Laurie A. Stowe (2011): D-linking or set-restriction? Processing Which-questions in Dutch. Language and Cognitive Processes
Week 7 Nov 15
Jon Sprouse, Matt Wagers, Colin Phillips (2012). Working-memory capacity and island effects: A reminder of the issues and the facts.Language, Volume 88, Number 2, June 2012, pp. 401-407
Hofmeister, Laura Staum Casasanto, Ivan A. Sag (2012). Misapplying
working-memory tests: A reductio ad absurdum. Language, Volume 88,
Number 2, June 2012, pp. 408-409 6 Nov 8
Jantien Donkers, John C. J. Hoeks & Laurie A. Stowe (2011): D-linking or set-restriction? Processing Which-questions in Dutch. Language and Cognitive Processes
Fun with abstracts!
Week 8 Nov 22
No meeting (Thanksgiving)
Week 9 Nov 29
Emily on frequency and acceptability.
Week 10 Dec 6
Dan's practice LSA talk.