Thanks to the diligent photographers at GLOW in Asia IX (in September at Mie University, Japan), we now have an almost minute-by-minute photo record of Dan Michel and Grant Goodall's presentation on "Finiteness and the nature of island constraints".
Grant Goodall laying the groundwork. |
The talk begins! |
Grant Goodall explaining a crucial point. |
The talk concludes! |
Akira Watanabe (Univ. of Tokyo) asks a question. |
Mamoru Saito (Nanzan Univ.), Grant's old office-mate from MIT days. |
William Snyder (Univ. of Connecticut) asks a question. |
Satoshi Tomioka (Univ. of Delaware) asks a question. |
Uli Sauerland (ZAS Berlin) asks a question. |
Anders Holmberg (Newcastle) asks a question. |
Grant Goodall asks a question (at someone else's talk). |