Jan. 24
Chaves, Rui P. and Jeruen E. Dery. "Which Subject Islands Will the Acceptability of Improve with Repeated Exposure?." In 31st West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Arizona State University. http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~rchaves/wccfl.pdf
Jan. 31
Bianchi, Valentina, and Cristiano Chesi. "Subject islands, reconstruction, and the flow of the computation."
A shorter version of this: http://www.ciscl.unisi.it/gg60/papers/bianchi_chesi.pdf
Feb. 7 (Open House)
Feb. 14
Hofmeister, P. and E. Norcliffe (2013). "Does resumption facilitate sentence comprehension?" In P. Hofmeister & E. Norcliffe (eds.). The Core and the Periphery: Data-driven Perspectives on Syntax Inspired by Ivan A. Sag. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Feb. 21
Adam Morgan on resumptive pronouns
Feb. 28
Salzmann, Martin, Jana Häussler, Markus Bader, and Josef Bayer. "That-trace effects without traces. An experimental investigation."
March 7
Felser, Claudia. "Language Processing Evidence for Linguistic Structure." Iberia 4.2 (2012): 1-22.
March 14
Grant on the source of acceptability