Friday, November 13, 2015

Fall '15 lab meetings

Our meetings this quarter are Mondays at noon.

Oct. 5
Longenbaugh and Polinsky "The processing of long-distance dependencies in Niuean."

Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine and Hadas Kotek "A streamlined approach to online linguistic surveys." To appear in NLLT.

McDaniel, D., McKee, C., Cowart, W., & Garrett, M. F. (2015). The role of the language production system in shaping grammars. Language91(2), 415-441.  Part 1

Savi on a production experiment to explore constituent order in Malayalam.

Nov. 2
McDaniel, D., McKee, C., Cowart, W., & Garrett, M. F. (2015). The role of the language production system in shaping grammars. Language91(2), 415-441.  Part 2

Nov. 9
Dayoung on an experiment to explore subjects of actives vs. passives.

Nov. 30
Eunah Kim, Soondo Baek & Annie Tremblay (2015): The Role of Island Constraints in Second Language Sentence Processing, Language Acquisition.  Part 1

Boyoung Kim defends dissertation!

Boyoung Kim successfully defended her dissertation on August 17! The title is Sensitivity to Islands in Korean-English Bilinguals, and the committee members were Robert Kluender, John Moore, Maria Polinsky (Harvard), and Vic Ferreira, in addition to supervisor Grant Goodall. Boyoung has been teaching Intro to Linguistics here at UCSD this summer and will be teaching at UC Berkeley in Fall.

WCCFL 33 in Vancouver

Amanda Ritchart presented:

"Prosody and the that-trace effect: An experimental study"

at the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. This was a joint paper with Marc Garellek and Grant Goodall and will be appearing in the proceedings.

Spring '15

Because Grant is leading a seminar this quarter (Spring 2015) on "Grammatical and processing factors in sentence acceptability", where we will be reading and discussing all sorts of fascinating papers on this topic, we will not be having regular lab meetings this quarter. The schedule for the seminar is available at All are welcome!