Our meetings this quarter will be (generally) Wednesdays, 2:30-4:00.
Jan. 11
Grant on referentiality and resumption in wh-dependencies.
Jan. 18 (at 3:30)
William Matchin on "Structure and content in real-time: an integrated theory of syntax"
Jan. 25 (at 3:30)
Savi on "Towards a motivated model of contact-induced syntactic change: flexible constituent order and beyond"
Feb. 1
Shota on "Aligning parsing and generation"
Feb. 8
Boyoung and Grant (Grant presenting) with a preview of their upcoming CUNY presentation on "Filler-gap dependencies in L2: Implications for the analysis of islands."
Feb. 15
Savi with a preview of her upcoming CUNY presentation on "Using acceptability judgments to study language change: Age differences reflect
differences in speakers' linguistic systems."
Feb. 22
Gustavo with a preview of his upcoming presentation at the Georgetown University Round Table on Linguistics on "Age of acquisition as a predictor of adult language variation."
Mar. 1
Discussion of Schuler, Yang and Newport (2016): http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~ycharles/papers/syn2016.pdf
Mar. 8
Shota on successive cyclicity in production
Mar. 15
Discussion of Boxell, O., & Felser, C. (2016). Sensitivity to parasitic gaps
inside subject islands in native and non-native sentence processing.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-18.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Two new publications! That-trace and Korean islands!
"Prosody and the That-Trace Effect: An Experimental Study"
Amanda Ritchart, Grant Goodall, and Marc Garellek
pp. 320-328
Proceedings of the 33rd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics

"An experimental investigation of island effects in Korean"
Boyoung Kim and Grant Goodall
Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 23
Amanda Ritchart, Grant Goodall, and Marc Garellek
pp. 320-328
Proceedings of the 33rd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
"An experimental investigation of island effects in Korean"
Boyoung Kim and Grant Goodall
Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 23
Austin and Buenos Aires!
Two recent conference presentations:

- Savi and Grant presented "Formal acceptability experiments as a tool for exploring variation in constituent order" at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, in Austin.
- Gustavo presented "Concordantia Temporum violations in Argentinean Spanish" at the Romania Nova VIII conference in Buenos Aires.

Lab meetings for Fall '16
Our meetings this quarter will be Wednesdays, 10am - 11am.
Oct. 5 and Oct. 12
Tucker, M. A., Idrissi, A., Sprouse, J., & Almeida, D. Resumption ameliorates different islands differentially: Acceptability data from Modern Standard Arabic. http://matthew-tucker.github.io/files/papers/resumption-islansds-arabic-acceptability.pdf
Oct. 19 and Oct. 26
Dillon, Brian, Adrian Staub, Joshua Levy, and Charles Clifton Jr. (in press). "Which noun phrases is the verb supposed to agree with? Object agreement in American English." Language
Nov. 2
Gustavo will give us a preview of his upcoming talk on Concordantia Temporum in Spanish at the Romania Nova conference, held this year in Buenos Aires.
Nov. 9
Oct. 5 and Oct. 12
Tucker, M. A., Idrissi, A., Sprouse, J., & Almeida, D. Resumption ameliorates different islands differentially: Acceptability data from Modern Standard Arabic. http://matthew-tucker.github.io/files/papers/resumption-islansds-arabic-acceptability.pdf
Oct. 19 and Oct. 26
Dillon, Brian, Adrian Staub, Joshua Levy, and Charles Clifton Jr. (in press). "Which noun phrases is the verb supposed to agree with? Object agreement in American English." Language
Nov. 2
Gustavo will give us a preview of his upcoming talk on Concordantia Temporum in Spanish at the Romania Nova conference, held this year in Buenos Aires.
Nov. 9
Till and Savi will lead a discussion on distinguishing between gradient and discrete response patterns.
Nov. 16
Savi will share her preliminary results from the field experiments she did in India this summer on constituent order in Malayalam.
Nov. 30
Savi will give us a preview of her and Grant's upcoming presentation at the LSA on "Formal acceptability experiments as a tool for exploring variation in constituent order."
Spring Quarter '16 lab meetings
meetings this quarter will be Thursdays 11:00 - 12:00.
Apr. 7
Dayoung will give us a tutorial on using Ibex for running experiments.
"Adaptation of Gap Predictions in Filler-Gap Dependency Processing" CUNY poster by Emily Atkinson & Akira Omaki
Apr.22 (special time)
Apr. 28
May 26
Apr. 7
Dayoung will give us a tutorial on using Ibex for running experiments.
"Adaptation of Gap Predictions in Filler-Gap Dependency Processing" CUNY poster by Emily Atkinson & Akira Omaki
Apr.22 (special time)
"Measuring the Degree of Convergence between Informal and Formal Acceptability Judgments
for Korean." Guest presentation by Sanghoun Song and Eunjeong Oh (Incheon National University
and Sangmyung University)
Apr. 28
"Which Subject Islands Will the Acceptability of Improve with Repeated Exposure" by Rui P. Chaves and Jeruen E. Dery. http://www.lingref.com/cpp/wccfl/31/paper3011.pdf
May 26
Savi will give us a preview of her upcoming experiments on English and on Malayalam.
Boyoung goes to GALANA!
Boyoung Kim presented her joint poster with Grant Goodall on "Age of arrival effects in L2 islands" at the Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America Conference at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Conferences near and far
Lab members have been racking up miles going to the these conferences recently:
CUNY 2016: Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Univ. of Florida (March)
Workshop on Dealing with Bad Data in Linguistic Theory, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam (March)
CUNY 2016: Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Univ. of Florida (March)
- Alex Stiller and Grant Goodall presented "D-linking and working memory: New evidence from Spanish."
- Savithry Namboodiripad and Grant Goodall presented "Verb position predicts acceptability in a flexible SOV language."
Workshop on Dealing with Bad Data in Linguistic Theory, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam (March)
- Grant Goodall presented "When data collide: A case study of traditional judgments vs. formal experiments in sentence acceptability."
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