Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dayoung and Savi at AMLaP 2017!

Dayoung Kim and Savi Namboodiripad (together with Gyeongnam Kim) presented a poster on "Bilingual Processing of Flexible Constituent Order in Korean" at the Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP) 2017 conference at Lancaster University in the UK.

Spring Quarter '17 lab meetings

Our meetings this quarter will be Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00.

Apr. 12
Gustavo with a practice talk on "A Quantitative Study on the Evolution of the Subjunctive System in Argentinean Spanish" for the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages.

Apr. 26
Gustavo with a practice talk for his visit to Tromsø, Norway, on "Acquisition under varying and stable input: The case of the past subjunctive in Argentinean and Peninsular Spanish."

May 3
Till on his recent experimental work on VP Ellipsis.
May 10
Savi and Dayoung with a practice talk for CLS on "English-dominant Korean speakers show reduced flexibility in constituent order."

May 17
Discussion of Hettiarachchi and Pires article on L2 syntax and Sinhala wh-questions.

May 24 (11:00)
Preliminary results from experiment done by Bonnie Chinh and Grant on embedded subject vs. object extraction in Spanish.

May 31
Continuation of discussion of Hettiarachchi and Pires paper.

June 7
Gustavo will present results from his three-country experiment on the choice of tense in Spanish subjunctive clauses.