Jan. 14
Review of Jon Sprouse's presentation at the workshop on "Experimental approaches to cross-linguistic variation in island phenomena" that just occurred this past weekend at the LSA (organized by our own Savi Namboodiripad and Adam Morgan, along with Dave Kush!). The slides are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/683t4recr4g6u2y/AACb0zVxKyNEhpn52cCPFBMHa?dl=0
Jan. 28
Review of other presentations from LSA island workshop:
- Sergio López-Sancio and Itziar Laka https://www.dropbox.com/sh/683t4recr4g6u2y/AACb0zVxKyNEhpn52cCPFBMHa?dl=0&preview=7+Sergio+Lopez-Sancio+and+Itziar+Laka.pdf
- Dustin Chacón https://www.dropbox.com/sh/683t4recr4g6u2y/AACb0zVxKyNEhpn52cCPFBMHa?dl=0&preview=8+Dustin+Chac%C3%B3n.pdf
Feb. 4
Continuation of above slides, plus Grant's presentation at the workshop: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/683t4recr4g6u2y/AACb0zVxKyNEhpn52cCPFBMHa?dl=0&preview=11+Grant+Goodall.pptx#
Feb. 11
Continuation of Grant's slides (from last meeting) and beginning of discussion of:
Yoshida, M., Potter, D., & Hunter, T. (2018). Condition C reconstruction, clausal ellipsis and island repair. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 1-30.
Presidents' Day
March 4 (Special time: 12:00)
Duk-Ho will present preliminary results from the experiment that he just completed on backward sprouting.
March 11 (Special time: 12:00)
Preliminary results from Alex (experiment on wh-islands in Spanish) and from Duk-Ho (new experiment with revised stimuli on backward sprouting).