Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Grant goes to Costa Rica!

At the invitation of the Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüísticas at the Universidad de Costa Rica in San José, Grant gave a presentation  on "La sintaxis experimental y las dependencias sintácticas," presenting an overview of what experimental syntax is and a taste of some of the recent work in the lab. During his stay, he also gave talks on the science of learning and on the use of invented languages in film.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Spring '19 lab meetings

Our meetings this quarter will be Fridays, 10:00 - 11:00.

April 5

Discussion of this recent article on ellipsis, stripping, and islands:
Yoshida, M., Potter, D., & Hunter, T. (2018). Condition C reconstruction, clausal ellipsis and island repair. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 1-30.  https://rdcu.be/blUS0 
April 12
Continuation of discussion of Yoshida et al. article
Discussion with Noah on the pros of cons of running an experiment on Qualtrics.

April 19
Noah will present preliminary results of his experiment on whether-islands and the that-trace effect.

May 3
Dayoung (live from Beirut!) will tell us about her latest experiment on complexity and D-linking in A- and A'-dependencies.

May 10
Discussion of experimental approaches to the that-trace effect, including recent work by Wayne Cowart.

May 24
Discussion of new paper by Gisbert Fanselow on the roles of grammar and processing in acceptability.

May 31
Fanselow paper, part II.

June 14
Final meeting of the year, celebrating successful comps papers (Alex, Duk-Ho, Josh), successful honors paper (Noah), and successful procurement of tenure-track job (Shota)!