April 7
Discussion of the Tabor, Villata and Sprouse presentation at CUNY on "A theory of island semi-accessibility: the case of the Strong/Weak distinction". This was the very first presentation at the conference, and you can find the video and the abstract at https://blogs.umass.edu/cuny2020/cuny-2020-umass-amherst/program/ (this talk starts at around minute 24 on the video). You can find just the slides at https://osf.io/vzt3g/?pid=ac4th.
April 14
Grant will give an overview of COMP-trace phenomenon (and synthesis from 225 course last quarter).
April 21
Three posters from the CUNY conference on COMP-trace:
"What does that tell us about sentence production?" Shota Momma and Michael Wilson https://osf.io/hrwvd/
"Subject gaps are not inherently worse than object gaps in islands: Experimental evidence unifying that-trace effects and subject-object gap asymmetries in islands" Adam Morgan https://osf.io/ek8sw/
"Processing COMP-trace violations in German: implications for syntax" Ankelien Schippers, Margreet Vogelzang & Esther Ruigendijk https://osf.io/gu56m/
April 28
Duk-Ho will tell us about his recent experiment on the island sensitivity of sprouting (which he was originally going to present at CLS, scheduled for next weekend).
May 5
Alex will present the results (a world-premier unveiling!) of his recent experiment on Clitic Left-Dislocation in Spanish.
May 12
Dayoung will present the results of her very latest experiment (just finished!) on complexity effects in A- and A'-dependencies.
May 19
Maho will give us an overview of her upcoming experiment on the island status of relative clauses in Japanese.
May 26
We will discuss the approach to islands that Lisa Pearl sketched in her colloquium last week. Both the slides and a video presentation are available (see links below), but in the slides here are the relevant parts (by slide #):
28-49 Overview of island phenomena (you might be able to skip this part)
50-83 An analysis of how island behavior is acquired (from Pearl and Sprouse 2013: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10489223.2012.738742)
84-129 The current study
Links to slides and video:
slides: https://www.socsci.uci.edu/~lpearl/presentations/Pearl2020_UCSD.pdf
intro: https://youtu.be/sEj1eQJWp_o
part 1: https://youtu.be/QvbBFiXb9C0
part 2: https://youtu.be/RbKo0beDCVg
part 3: https://youtu.be/AcO6nol-BY0
part 4: https://youtu.be/AK7ykVIGJv8
part 5: https://youtu.be/YyavkXbDX04
part 6: https://youtu.be/_sRsJBMZdaY
part 7: https://youtu.be/THT9Tj0-aoI
part 8: https://youtu.be/DX2tzTFn644
takeaway: https://youtu.be/wcONv4xsHOo
June 2
Grant will present an overview of recent approaches to subject islands (follow-up to 225 course last quarter).
June 19
Coffee break to finish out the year!