January 17
For our first lab meeting this quarter, Maho will walk us through the results of her latest experiment, which looks at crossed vs. nested dependencies. Her experiment asks whether there is a perceptible effect on acceptability, once all the confounds are controlled for.
January 24
Alex will give a practice version of his upcoming talk for CAMP (the California Meeting on Psycholinguistics (https://sites.google.com/view/camp5-ucla), happening at UCLA next weekend). The talk has to do with the locality constraints on two long-distance dependencies in Spanish: wh-movement and Clitic Left Dislocation (like topicalization, but with a resumptive clitic pronoun). Alex's experimental work suggests that the two sets of constraints are overlapping, but not identical.
February 14
Our meetings resume this week with a presentation by Seoyeon on an experiment that she is currently preparing on echo questions in Korean, trying to determine whether echo questions with multiple wh-words (e.g. "WHO bought WHAT?") in Korean allow for pair-list and functional answers. This is very much work in progress, so Seoyeon is hoping for lots of suggestions and feedback!
February 21
This week, Alex and Maho will give us previews of their posters for HSP next month:
Maho: "Island effects persist despite context: The case of double relatives in Japanese"Maho: "Crossed vs. nested dependencies and crosslinguistic variability in islands"Alex: "Clitic Left Dislocation in Spanish: Island sensitivity without gaps"
They can run us through their posters and we can give them feedback both on the content and on the poster design (everybody loves to critique a poster!).
February 28
A doubleheader today:
- Duk-Ho will give us an overview of the "flow" for his planned dissertation. His work over the last couple of years has been on ellipsis (sprouting, in particular) and on strong vs. weak islands, and he will show us the threads that tie these areas together.
- Grant will give us a quick preview of work he is doing on the "P-trace" effect.
March 6 (Monday)
Special Open House edition: Alex, Duk-Ho, and Maho will give prospective students an overview of their work on experimental syntax.
March 21
For our last meeting of the quarter, Maho will walk us through her plans for an upcoming experiment on scrambling in Japanese.
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